Friday 26 September 2008

Perception might not be everything

But it does affect the reality we try to manipulate.

I always wondered why the Italians could not make a good 'family sized' car. Having now visited 5 Italian cities, I can see that *most* of populated Italy has tiny roads that are overcrowded. Anything family sized in a UK sense would be too large, difficult to park (too large to double-park, as they just do whenever convenient) and would wear out fast from continual thrashing about.

On a completely different subject, although the same topic, I was talking last night with an Afrikaans guy about his family in different parts of the world. We had such different views that I wondered if he thought me strange. His perception and mine were so out of step that conversation was too difficult and I ended up leaving him talking with someone else from Zimbabwe.

Perception and reality is something God has been talking to me about during our stay in Rome. Thoughts have not yet firmed up enough to blog, but were centred around the manner of church operating there, the manner of buildings and politics involved in creating them and a bunch of stuff relating to values and faith. I *hope* it's a sign of maturity that I am being taken through this, rather than just weakness of mind and lack of rigour in filtering the acceptable from the unacceptable.

At least it seems to be filtering through to practice, at least a bit.

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