Tuesday 22 August 2023

Happy birthday darling.

You would have been 34 today.

The years seem to have gone by so quickly, yet taken forever. 

Wednesday 9 August 2023

It's been a (loonnngggg) while.

 Is it goodbye to Ello?

So many years ago now I was given an insider invite to the Ello network thanks to my good friend Randall. It had a bad time when the refugees from Tumblr's porn policy invaded, and was never quite the same after, but it was still a site for art and creativity. 

Sadly it's now gone. Back in June it had some technical problems for a while, then returned, but fell over again - permanently it seems  - at the end of July. Trying to access the site now gets an 'invalid SSL certificate' message instead of just an error message. Guess they just couldn't find a working business model.

I've been trying to figure out why there's no enthusiasm to post here any more. Some of it's the time/energy thing, but some of it is that I just don't like the blogger interface now, and it just drains away my desire to write something. The blog isn't going to be permanently parked yet, but it may remain quiet for some time.