I struggle with this a little, as I have slipped into a habit I promised I never would - watching traffic through the site.
The blog was never intended to be for anyone but me, however since Sarah's death this blog has been the centre of interest for a lot of people, and to my surprise, traffic hasn't dropped off a great deal since March this year (to date almost 15,000 visits since then, and that doesn't count RSS feed readers).
The issue of content bothers me. Not that I expect to provide great content all the time: life isn't like that, being a mixture of the occasionally amazing and frequently dull boring with the odd bit of crap for good measure. I've seen some bloggers apologising for the content on their pages, which was funny in the case of one, as their blog often had rubbish on it when they were pleased with it.
But I don't want to start worrying about driving traffic here. If you want to read then you're welcome. If you don't, only you will know. I still occasionally wonder about starting fresh so that I can post all my thoughts and frustrations without fear of upsetting those that know me directly. But maybe it's good to keep all that reined in - a word spoken, or written, can have a lot more power to influence once it's out there.
As for this blog, you can expect the usual mix of dazzling brilliance, mostly buried in mundane rubbish
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