Monday 25 September 2006

Hello darling, dinner is in the dog.

Well, it isn't quite like that really.

This morning was a time of slightly greater than usual distraction in the dash to leave as we had to be at the Marlborough school so they could show us the garden they have prepared to commemorate Sarah and Howard Hillsdon (a former pupil killed just 1 week after Sarah). In the emotional stirrings of it all I simply left my lunch in the kitchen. Chris was due to see her mum today, so the plan was that she'd drop it here on the way.

At 12.15 it seems lunch was somewhere between Banbury and Bicester, and had no plans for imminent arrival at Upper heyford.

Lunch was therefore half a Mattesons garlic boiling ring and a few slices of a moist white plastic bread. Yum.

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