Sunday 6 August 2006

Today I'm feeling mostly...


I've spent too much time in the sun - went out with Dan and Nikita and Chris - Kita and Chris had a table at a farmers market today selling their handmade jewellery. Got their stall set up - mostly it seemed in the sun.

Came back, changed forks and fitted a disc brake to Dan's bike - mostly while in the sun.

Went for a (shortish ~1 1/2 hours) ride with Dan, mostly in the sun.

Church was at Linda and Andy Ridgway's place this afternoon, complete with BBQ afterward. I remember being stood out in the sun with the smoke from the BBQ blowing round my head, playing guitar, feeling the sun burning my crown, face and arm. Good company though.

So now I'm feeling a little hotter than I'd like. The house was BEAUTIFULLY cool when we got in this evening. It's been closed all day, and those 3ft thick walls have mostly kept the heat out. My skin is grateful for the cool air, and I'm sitting here listening to John Mayall's BEANO album (a birthday pressie) while typing. The 60s must have been such a cool time to be a guitar player.

Just hope I've not really sunburnt.

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