anon | 06.03.05
Looks like now.
I've been very happy for everyone to come here and read about what's happening to us, I really have. But maybe I should explain a bit too.
A blog is like a diary, but one everyone can see and read it, even leave comments. I don't do this for a living - it's just me (and occasionally Chris) expressing myself.
Some days you don't feel like posting, at least some of the time.
This morning we were both feeling pretty low actually - probably about as low as in the first couple of days after Sarah died. All the effort of focussing on the funeral and celebration was finished, and instead we were just a bit drained. Ben went out last night and slept over at Dan's.
When we woke it was just the 2 of us.
For the last couple of years we've been thinking about the time when Ben and Sarah would go to uni, then eventually move out altogether. But that was well in the future, and we were still very much a family together.
This morning we were just a couple again, and that's hard to take when less than 2 weeks ago we were a family. It's an adjustment we were making, but it's happened too soon, and needs time. And mornings are the most difficult time anyway: it's when memories hover, before they get swept away as the day's rush comes stampeding through. So we were sad and a little lonely, even though we love each other's company.
I'm at work now. We both need to establish a bit of routine in our lives, and someone has to pay the bills.
So please understand, if I don't post on here for a day or so I'm just getting on with life, or I might be down, or could be 'busy'.
Like I've always said, I'm just a very ordinary guy who's been given some grace by a very big God.
Thanks for reading and being patient.
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