Thursday 25 March 2021

Anyone fancy an Italian ruin?

 Saw this place up near lake Como:

The heart goes "Mmmmmm, YES!"

Head not *quite* so convinced!

I could imagine spending 2 X the purchase price bringing it up to scratch, perhaps more.


  1. It's not *quite* the same, but Dixie and I came across something similar in the town we just moved to. A large 100-year old house brick character home for a mere $55,000 (about $37,000 Eur or $32,000 British pounds). The kind of house we'd love to own, but which would cost hundreds of thousands if was in good condition and would cost hundreds of thousands to get it into good condition! Alas!

    1. There always needs to be a cost-benefit to buying a ruin, and so often the only benefit is that you get to rebuild it your way.

      You might remember we stayed in an Italian house owned by friends a couple of years back in exchange for photographs of the place. They bought it as a ruin and the first builder they employed just knocked it down against their wishes! It's lovely now, but was a huge hassle for them at the time.

    2. Something that's been cropping up more recently are tiny mountain huts, often unreachable by vehicle, without electricity, water etc, sometimes on large tracts of land. Appealing but impractical.


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