Tuesday 3 February 2004

Shallow Hal

My daughter got this film on DVD from the library last night. I managed to see about 20 mins worth toward the end, between getting home and having to go out again.

The story is about a guy that enjoys 'playing the field'. He is hypnotised into seeing people as they are 'inside', thus he sees a grossly overweight and unattractive woman as slender and beautiful (more Hollywood stereotypes, but bear with it). And so they go out on dates, yet all the time reality breaks in - for example a horse collapsing under the weight of an apparently slender girl.

I wonder if some people are a bit like Hal. They have this beautiful idea of how the church might be, with everybody 'equal', all women able to lead, gays and lesbians enjoying fellowship with straights, gender corrected services (new plugs and oil filter sir?) invoking Mother God and everyone living in harmony while meditating on 'the light of the world' through a candle flame. It's just really unfortunate how reality keeps getting in the way. If only they could get together and DO something about all those people that don't agree.

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