Saturday 7 February 2004

For those that enjoy the double entendre

From a show that was never supposed to be seen. The link is here. There isn't a single obscene word in there, but the meanings are quite clear. It's LOL-funny and mildly rude if you have that sense of humour, and just plain rude if you don't.

Definitely a classic.

In the same vein, in our last church in London, a previous pastor was German although with normally good English. One Sunday he was talking about relationships, singleness and meeting people. What he meant was that young single males should go out in groups with single females (we had that unheard of thing - more single men than women - in the church).

What he actually said was "you young men should go out and expose yourselves to girls".

There was a kind of silence, and you could see that he'd definitely engaged his congregation. After a few seconds some nervous laughter could be heard before realisation of the true meaning arrived en masse.

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