Thursday 4 December 2008

Facebook, a week in.

It's curious how this site/system works.

It *looks* for all the world like it just grew by addition, with various mini-apps being tacked on. This makes it really messy to use, but quite liveable once you learn where things are, rather like keyboard commands in DOS applications.

But there's something I struggle a little with.

At least in the circle of friends I have it's VERY female dominated.

I don't have a problem with this per se, but as someone who is trying to be 'careful' in the way they live and walk it bothers me to be seen to try to develop all these friendships with highly attractive younger women/girls. I have far fewer qualms about married women my age, although I do hesitate a *little* if their husbands aren't around too. I'm not trying to be odd, but I've thought once, twice and three times about hitting 'invite' for various people I know passingly in meatspace. Sure I know there are LOADS of males that use it, but in my circle of friends and acquaintances it's mostly female - without counting I'd say 3:1 at least.

Maybe this is THE female online app? Or maybe this is just further proof that women like to chat so much more than men?


Counted - 28 out of 66 are male.
Maybe my perspective is based on activity, rather than numbers.

Thanks Mark G, for helping redress the balance.

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