Tuesday 2 December 2008

Be it according to your faith.

Linea likes labyrinths.

It is really important that we all find ways to press into God. The things we use, provided we don't become religious about them, don't really matter, although some things - like joss sticks - have strong pagan connections, and may bring other unwanted things with them. But generally, if a place, practice, surrounding, collection of words, physical stance, or indeed nothing external at all enable you to draw closer to Jesus then that's all good.

Just remember they're only tools to help you draw closer. They are not special in themselves, but it is Jesus who is important.

And remember you can meet Him outside that context too.

I have to remind myself of this as much as anyone. For me, worship that is not open and participatory worship is a poor shadow. But for some, it is the highest thing they can experience.

Learning takes time.

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