I had to hunt down the link to that Apple safari post, and as a result ended up reading stuff written 2 years ago.
This post was a good reminder. Is it wrong to pray that she'll be attractive, to not have baggage? It's certainly good to pray that she'll love and honour him, and that they'll work together for the same goals. Oh the suspense parents must go through, waiting for their children to find partners.
2 years ago this weekend was our first time at Heyford Park - I described it as an interesting evening, and it has been an 'interesting' time.
And in 4 weeks this Saturday we're back here again, 2 years and 1 week after the first visit.
This post about being burned out was also interesting, as it reminded me of some things I'd forgotten and reminded me of some things that are rubbed into my ears every week. It's got me asking, have I really moved on, and I'm really not sure of the answer but the break has been considerably less than fun. But I do appreciate the encouragement I've been given over this area in the last couple of weeks by various people, and can say that *something* is happening soon.
So life goes on.
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