Monday, 1 March 2010

Anyone want

a new browser?

I've not heard of half of these before and that does surprise me, at least a little.

Seeing the article was useful though, as it reminded me to delete Chrome from the Macbook, after it caused programs to lock and sometimes fail to start.

It's disappointing that Opera is still in such a minority position, but hopefully it will get a boost from this. I use it almost exclusively on the Macbook now, and about 40% of the time on the home PC. It would probably be more, but many pages are still not html standards compliant, and don't display properly, plus I really do like Firefox a little better in some ways. Ben uses Opera almost exclusively, because speed and stability (when running 20+ tabs open) are important to him.

I may well migrate to that frequently mentioned Linux box downstairs soon, in which case we'll have to see what browsers are available for that. I wonder how possible it is to move emails between windows and Linux versions of Thunderbird?


I found this review of the other browser choices today.

WARNING: If, like me, you go looking for info on them then beware the first hit for 'green browser'. The 'morequick' page that is google's first hit takes you through to a hardcore pr0n (changed for those behind monitoring software) page. Not what you want at work, or at home, even if your monitor can't be seen by the rest of the office.

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