Sunday 29 May 2005

Just to let everyone know

In case you haven't heard some other way...

We are having a service of celebration and thanksgiving for Sarah in the church of St James here in Somerton on Thursday 2nd June at 3.00pm. This is open to anyone to come. Because the village is small, it would be great if people can car-share. There will be overflow parking in some fields at the bottom of the village. After the service there will be refreshments at the old school house. Instead of flowers, we would ask people to donate to 'World Vision' (see below).

Tonight we went through the elements of the service. I think it will be a good time of remembering her, and of saying 'goodbye'. There will be a mixture of old and new songs, shared memories of Sarah's life and a small reflective piece I've written.

It would be lovely to see as many of you there as can make it.

World Vision is a Christian charity currently helping people in nearly 100 countries in their struggle against poverty, hunger and injustice, irrespective of their religious beliefs.

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