Saturday 24 April 2004

It's been a beautiful day here.

Temperatures in the 20s, blue skies and sunshine. It's enough to make you want to go on holiday!

And I finally managed to get out on a ride with Ben this evening.

This had it's good and bad points. The good - I needed the exercise, and enjoyed a chance to ride again. The bad is that not only am I tired and sore (my bum has obviously softened up a lot) but that Ben is at the point of having as much, if not more strength than me now, and was difficult to stay with at times. Will have to do some secret training. I also had a few knee probs - it feels like a nerve has been trapped (this is quite familiar to me) but it is worrying.

Anyway never mind. Bed soon - I need to make up for last night/this morning(some time after 3 am).

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