Saturday 4 October 2008

Really knackered feeling.

4 hours + driving (OK, puny by Canuke standards, but your roads are less busy) and a day in a meeting I didn't find helpful. Plus God putting me back in a place I didn't find AT ALL comfortable and gave me a real obedience tussle over, probably all so Simon Shaw could borrow my acoustic guitar for a workshop.

Chris said "well, what happened to free will", to which I replied "It's sat waiting for me at the cross, along with all the other stuff I left there".

I don't *plan* to go to any more DI days - they all left me with various degrees of frustration and disappointment. At the end there's a questionnaire handed out asking for comments. In a sudden burst of novelty I couldn't find a nice way to put my feelings into words, so decided not to say anything at all. Apparently Walt Disney has managed to instill the Thumper principle into my life now.

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