After my concerns about music on Tuesday last night was the best time of worship yet at the chapel. Thanks to a happy accident there was a bit more of a break between songs and it made opportunities to pray out. And ego aside, the alternative chords I provided for Majesty and Be Thou My Vision did get used and did work really well instead of sitting there all uncomfortably. I don't feel 'vindicated' because there's nothing to prove, but I am so glad that it did flow instead of being gratingly uncomfortable.
Also kind of funny.
The chap speaking was Dennis Niziol who heads up a church in Bicester. I've known Dennis for years and he's the front man of the 'Panic Street Preachers' that I've gigged with a couple of times. He's very much into ministry through music too, and at the end he got me to join him on guitar while he went through a bunch of songs. It's funny, because with the 6 month rule I've not played here publicly at all, and I've even been wondering if I should consider not joining the worship team after all. We'll see on that front, but at least I know it's something I'm willing to give up, even if it means struggles further down the line.
But it was good. God really turned up while we played, and there were a number of people on the floor, being prayed for, receiving and letting stuff go. Overall a good evening.
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