Thursday, 9 October 2008

I have a real sense of closure today.

It's 'funny' because I'm watching my good friend Randall packing up ready to leave, yet here I am, sat at the same desk, capping the same bottles, reading the same rubbish on the net.

Today I told the personnel people that I didn't want to look at other job opportunities within the company, and that I'd prefer to be made redundant when the company closes 31st December 2008. I had a few 'bells' going off in my head to do with security etc, but Chris and I talked and I think it's the right thing to do.

This is the second US controlled company I have worked for. The severance package is generous, but I hope it will be the last.

I was also turning over the way things are on the Christian Musicians forum in my head before God (does anyone understand what I mean - it's like discussing stuff in front of Jesus) especially the stuff from some of the more dogmatic. The conversation finished:

"Why do you do this?"

"Well, errr, it's interesting, I show them some stuff, I learn things, they learn things."

"You're done there"

So Mike, Steve, Roy, if you read this, I'm not upset or anything, but I feel that just as I had to take it up, now I've got to put it down.

Life on the net and in the blogosphere HAS been good for me in terms of my development as a Christian. Not just learning to deal with temptation (please keep it away from me!!!) but learning how to relate to others with 'wrong' views.

Before I got into the whole blog discussion thing I was like a teenager who 'knew' the right answer. A bit like Donkey from Shrek "pick me, this is THE answer". I couldn't see why others could not see the *obvious* answer that was so clear. I still feel that way sometimes, but feel neither the pressure to prove I'm 'right' nor the need to show them where they're wrong. I can also spot Marc's 'sleeping dogs' and leave them laying where I found them. ;-)

Perfect? Not yet, but better.

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