Monday 20 October 2008

Just cooked

Toad in the hole.

Must be at least a couple of years since I did this, but it's winter (feeling) out there, and the calories can be semi-justified.

Yorkshire pudding does something slightly glorious to the taste of a sausage.

I'm wondering if we should invite some of the guys we know from Zim round for an evening of English winter food. Toad, Steak and kidney (better not call it snake and pygmy like I usually do) pie, Liver and Bacon and mash. Yum, my tummy is swelling at the thought.

Finish with some kind of steamed pudding and bucket fulls of custard thick enough to stand up.

Then..... sleep, if I'm not too bloated.

For Marc, who's apparently lost his google ;-) have a look here for an explanation of toad in the hole. However I'd use no water and adjust the amount of unsieved flour until I got the right thickness.

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