And now ladies, a helpful tip.
Should you ever be in the happy situation of working with your loved one to pack for a holiday, communication is a facility that can smooth across potential pitfalls. And if you happen to both be *separately* packing your stuff, yet doing so at the same time, if you should choose to be really kind and helpful, packing your partners spare 'arrival day' clothes, please tell him you've done so.
Please don't assume that he'll see the absence of clothes on the bed as a sign they've been packed.
Please also don't assume that because he can't find them in all the places they might have been put, he will assume you've packed them for him.
Please don't assume he is so proud and clever that he won't consider the possibility he's been a dumb-ass and packed them by mistake somewhere incorrectly.
Please don't assume he won't unpack a lot of stuff before giving up and asking if "you might have packed them for me"?
A little communication will prevent a lot of stress, anger, inward cussing and general dis-harmony. I know us men aren't great communicators either, but it's your special skill set: make the most of it.
Have a nice trip.
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