Went to Saskatoon yesterday.
Met Randalls mum. It was, for me as well as Randall, quite an emotional time. Hard not to leak a little when we hugged to say goodbye. I could feel a strong sense of sadness and loss, but not heartbreak and despair present. So much I'd like to say, so few words would flow.
Also met Robyn, but in lips-retracted mode. ;~)

Then on to the delights of Sask, dinner and meeting Jadon and Leighton. Jadon I've bumped into a few times on blogs, but to my shame, didn't know very well. Must be a good man though - he walks everywhere in a culture of cars. Leighton I've known almost as long as Randall, and he's tolerated me making an ass of myself on his blog many times in the past.Good to meet these guys and discuss everything from computer viruses to the Lutheran church.
Then home, trying to stay awake to be company and sadly failing. Another good day, thanks to R & L.
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