Sunday 30 July 2006

I feel less than I used too.

While never being exactly mr. Blobby, for several years I've been gently developing around the centre section, and recently it's gone beyond what I feel comfy with.

So I stopped eating biscuits, cakes and all sorts *between meals*.

Started cycling regularly again - 30 mins a day, usually as hard as I can on the way to work.

The results? I weigh about 11lb less than I did 10 weeks ago. I'm also hungry most of the time, and as my metabolism is running faster I'm also finding it harder than usual to keep cool (sorry for the sweaty hug at church Olivia).

Actually this faster metabolism is becoming an issue. Last night I got home having been to a wedding (GREAT food, good wine) then a friends housewarming (more food, more wine). Now the weather has got cooler here this w/e but last night I just couldn't stay cool. No covers, yet I was just hot and perspiring all night (yeah, I know. Yuech!). Playing at church this afternoon, my skin resting against the guitar body was literally slick and I could feel trickles on my back.

Great to be fit, but maybe I should have waited until winter?

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