Saturday 22 July 2006

I wish I could get dry this morning.

We seem to be having a time of *raised* humidity, from which I can make the following observations:

Shaving damp skin is difficult.
Towels never seem large enough.
That trickling feeling on my back is probably not imagination.
People get ratty and grumpy when they’re too hot.
Work requires a little extra push to just keep moving.

I actually wrote this yesterday morning, along with a bunch of stuff about uncertain futures, but it's just as applicable now as then.

Chris and I awoke this morning to the sound of torrential rain. Not good, considering we're going a wedding (for those who know them - Serge and Piggers) this afternoon. But the sun has come out, the temperature up and the humidity likewise. It's just amazingly sticky now, so all those plans of suits and fancy jacket and hat combos have gone.

Do hope the church at Wootton is coolish inside.

Praying you two will have many years of happiness and contentment together.

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