I seem to be getting stiffer with each morning ride. Definite muscle aches this morning, and the legs were reluctant to bend letting me into the bath. Once I got off the bike this morning there was a major dose of bum-hole-cramp (this is stress and exercise related, and highly uncomfy).
Oh well, at least I can justify being fat to myself now.
Saturday is a day of rest for me.
Sunday we’ve got a breakfast meeting as a church, so I might well see if Dan can be persuaded to come out on a chilty ride in the afternoon. It’ll be hard work, but much more fun that just pressing on as quickly as possible to get to work.
Right, 8.48am – off to the lab. Today is a big day for results.
post script.
Riding back tonight wasn't so bad. Managed a decent pace, even though there was no tailwind.
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