These all provide variety in the tones I get from the amps I build. Want Fender spank? Pop a 12AT7 in the preamp and a 6L6 in the output stage. Marshall roar? That'll be an EL34 and a JJ 12AX7. Higher gain levels? One of my NOS (new-old stock) Mullard 12AX7s and an Ei 6CA7. Need to keep the volume down a bit? Try a 6V6GT or use my own little Metisse amps Purity with a single EL84 output valve and a 12AU7 for sparkly vox tones or a 12AX7 for metal mayhem.
Well, from one seller I picked up 3 pairs of valves for about the price of a single one new. Some beautiful NOS General Electric 12AU7s in original boxes, some used Groove-tubes 6L6/5881s which were still good and some Canadian made Westinghouse 6L6s.
These Westinghouse valves are beautiful. They're the coke bottle shape that you see in every 50s sci-fi and Frankenstein movie. A really tall and classically elegant valve. Tones should be sweetly bright, with snap and spank, pushing into 'Bad to the bone' drive when cranked. I drew them from the packaging and looked at their fragile arrangement of wires and metal plates through the smokey glass envelope.
"These have had it" I though.
Unfortunately I was right.
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