Saturday 3 December 2005

Nearly didn't do this

.... as usually when people put 'read more' links I simply don't.

Then I almost made the mistake of thinking I was being honoured instead of tagged.

Oh well.

Seven things to do before I die:

1. Plant a church 'myself'
2. Hold my natural grandchildren
3. Make it to retirement
4. Gig with a loud, anti-social rock band
5. return to mountain biking
6. See my extended family go on to maturity
7. Learn another language

Seven things I cannot do:

1. Run a marathon
2. Smoke Eddie van Halen
3. Fully understand women
4. Eat without restraint
5. Lift more than my bodyweight comfortably
6. Enjoy vegetarian food
7. Hear clearly

Seven things that attract me to my spouse:

1. Our unity
2. The way she balances our relationship
3. Her hair
4. Shared experience
5. Nice boobs :¬)
6. Her love
7. Her refusal to be weak.

Seven things I say most often:

1. Sorry?
2. How are you?
3. Is that your first lie today?
4. Hi!
5. Good to see you again
6. Sorry!
7. God, help....

Seven books I love:

1. Ringworld, Larry Niven
2. The Hobbit, J R R Tolkein
3. The bible, NIV study edition
4. 9 o'clock in the morning, Dennis Bennett
5. The Lord of the Rings.....
6. The Stainless Steel Rat, Harry Harrison
7. Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov

Seven movies I would watch over and over again:

1. 2001, a space odyssey
2. Blazing saddles
3. Men in Black
4. This Is Spinal Tap
5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
6. Lord of the Rings – all of them
7. Easy Rider

Seven people I want to join in too:

1. Dan
2. Olivia
3. Nikita
4. Fern
5. Jon
6. Sue
7. Sarah (two red boots)

Thanks Linea

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