Friday, 22 August 2003

Mixed weather ahead

Actually it's nothing to do with the weather at all, but today there's cause for celebration and sadness.

Sadness first - someone that I've worked with for the last 7 years is leaving today, to move to Ireland. I've known Kathy since 1997, and we've become almost like brother and sister. Kathy is quite an interesting character, and has seen a fair bit more of the world than most people of twice her age. One of my lasting memories of her was that within the first week in the lab together she said "I won't sleep with you; I just don't fancy you". That was fine by Chris and me ;-)

I will miss her friendship though, and as a company we'll definitely miss her skill set and determination.

The good news is today is my daughter Sarah's 14th birthday. We woke her and Ben early (by their standards - we were ready to leave for work) and sat on the bed while she opened presents. We've had some interesting times, particularly in the last 3 years, but it was 15 minutes of un-alloyed happiness for her. When I left she was busy trying on clothes. Tonight we're taking the children to see "Pirates of the Carribean" followed by a Chinese meal in Oxford. Should be fun.

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