Tuesday, 19 August 2003

This isn't what I'd expected.

Thoughts and ideas to blog seem to be transient, rather than solid. Things that I feel should be posted seem to dash across my mind, like someone who's taken a shower, only to remember that their clothes are in the room across a corridor, and has to get from one to the other without being seen.

Actually it's quite a good analogy, because often what I think isn't entirely suitable for public airing. Not that I'm necessarily 'thinking dirty' (happens now and again though ;-) but they may be linked to people's personal situations, and this isn't meant to be voyuerism.

This site is going to be changing, both in appearence and accessories. Once I've gathered the tools, I'll be adding a comments facility, possibly a counter (although I'm inclined to believe they're rather sad - if you need to know how many people read your blog then you're either running it for a purpose apart from blogging, or you're an egotist. Or both). Once I get to grips with the template then I'll tweek appearances, add more links, things of interest. Or if I decide this is a waste of time then I'll just kill it.

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Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.