Friday, 18 September 2015

And so to work.

Englnd felt more damp and grey than usual this morning - more han it usually does even after a holiday in the sun.

I'm really grateful for a good trip. By that I mean that the weather was kind, we got along well, there was relatively little stress and lots of opportunity to see fascinating things, we managed to see 2 different sets of people that we knew from England and all the arrangements worked out as they had been planned. There's so much planning that goes into holidays like this and so many things that could easily either improve or spoil the experience, yet we were blessed with good treatment even down to getting seats in the first row with all that extra legroom on the way out.

I'm grateful.

It's also making me ask if I want to be back, with 2 jobs and a slightly complicated lifestyle. To an extent it's natural for me to 'spend' all my capability currency to the limit on the things I do, rather than leaving reserves, and that's how I prefer to live. At the same time I'm starting to wonder why, and whether another change in lifestyle would be 'better', whatever better is.

And I would like (nearly wrote need) to lose the 7 or 8lbs I seem to have gained while we were away. :p

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