Objective is to try for about 150-180 images that still covers the 9 days we were actually doing things. That's less than 20 pix a day, which will be quite a challenge.
It's been interesting working through this number of images from 2 different cameras: Chris's new Panasonic TZ10 and my old Samsung S850. While I love the super-wide zoom, fast focus lock and big screen of the Panasonic, at a pixel level the images don't come even close to the samsung, and are only tolerable because of the higher (12MP) pixel density. The Samsung optics aren't the best, but the 8MP 1/1.7" sensor and relatively minimal level of signal processing look very much crisper.
When it comes to post-capture processing, the samsung images could be enhanced much more than those from the panasonic - there was just simply so much more information to work with. The one place where it didn't matter was where there were large swathes of gently graduated colour: for example the water picture taken in Ranthambore national park. Here the Panasonic worked well, and the 'impressionist' style of detail didn't matter.
Images also deteriorated badly in low light with the Panasonic, even when limited to 400ASA.
Unfortunately the Samsung has started to become a little unreliable. It was failing to focus and a couple of times even refused to respond, requiring the batteries to be removed before it would work. If I do replace it with another compact then it will have to have at least a similar size sensor. A D-SLR would be nice, if bulky. I'm not sure budgets will stretch to some of the new micro four thirds cameras unless something amazing happens to the business.
Camera GAS - not something I need!
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