Thursday 12 April 2007

Blogpost 11 April 2007 - 1 day late.

I’ve been finding it difficult to write anything either lucid or even faintly useful recently, and this has shown up in the paltry junk that’s not been so much posted as dumped here. Sometimes words just flow, while at others, no amount of clever thoughts or deep insight at various times of the day will enable meaningful words to find their way out.

I have had quite a lot of thoughts about the emerging church and how it is only relevant in the context of a traditional church from which to emerge. I keep thinking about the role of women in governmental roles and the de-masculinisation of society: God using those who are willing and able, rather than those that have to be dragged screaming and kicking into service. I keep thinking about what Christian leadership means, including pastoring in the workplace and it’s effect on my behaviour toward others (it must mean more than an encouraging word now and again). I keep thinking about the need for obedience and personal holiness – and how I fall short. I keep thinking about hearing God and the need for obedience, listening to hear the odd little things AND acting on them, rather than wondering how some guys get amazing words from God and others don’t. I keep thinking about emails and letters I should write and haven’t.

And I keep wondering what I can do with the music team in Bicester - the need to find new material, how to balance the team and how to work with the other people. How can I bring the young guys on – push them out into leading worship with their playing and presence, rather than just strumming a guitar. I really appreciate having not one, but 3 guitarists to work with (but I wouldn’t mind if one would learn to play bass ;-) ).

Leading the worship team always feels like a bit of a wrestling match too – wrestling with trivial worship, kiddie songs, Hymns (where people are focussing on the OHP instead of worshipping) having short worship times, having worship times that are cut short when people are just pushing into God. Our church life is in our housegroups and the times we are together in the week – Sunday is only a minor part – but it IS a key opportunity worship everyone to worship together in a way that is much more difficult with only a small number of people. Sometimes worship seems just a minor detail to be worked through before we move on to the next item. Mind you, sometimes it IS brilliant.

A little tension in church isn’t always a bad thing either.

On Sunday we had a more open type of meeting, and one of these guys, aged 11, played and sang a song he’d written. Afterward he told me he just keeps writing at the moment. And both musically and lyrically it was more mature than quite a few songs I’ve seen guys in their 20s, 30s and 40s write, better than most of the rubbish I've wrtten. In the next 5 to 10 years look out for Luke Woodley, because if he keeps on like that he’s going to be something quite amazing. I can see the musical influences in there, but a key difference between him and most is that the music is coming from inside, rather than outside. Being seriously bright doesn’t do any harm either.

And I’m struggling with GAS again, both for gear and playing rock. Sounds odd, but I really want to get involved with something and start playing out (even though I don’t have time right now). And I’m struggling with the amount of time I spend on the net uselessly: not an area of great obedience.

So there you go – 3 weeks worth of blogposts sicked up in one large lump. I would like to expand many of those topics, and given the drive for it then I probably will. Otherwise, you’ll be waiting a long time.

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