Tuesday 17 December 2019

Monday dawned bright and early.

 I’d wanted to get sunrise pictures, but it wasn’t really happening thanks to jet-lag, and in any case the sun comes up on the land side, so isn’t ideal.

Digestion hadn’t particularly settled so we skipped breakfast and at 10am joined up with our friends and went to visit Carol’s parents again – good to spend time, get to know them, and of course they fed us. ;-)

Napped in the afternoon, then swam and walked along the beach. The sand here is very fine and soft, but clings and is carried everywhere. Sea appeared clean but is not clear like the med, and was beautifully warm, with reasonable breakers to add some fun. In the evening Carol’s parents invited us all to dinner, and fed us amazing food, but would not eat with us because of the need to serve guests with hospitality – a tradition to make note of. Carol, being somewhat westernised, kept us company.

Sleep, somewhat, again.

*Reading through this post, written the following day, I realise just how jet-lagged, tired and full of colds we were, not really up to doing very much and quite un-motivated. Had we been part of a tour then the itinerary would have taken over and we'd have been much more driven to explore.

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