Monday 8 July 2013

What contradiction?

I have just realised that, almost simultaneously, Matt Redman released a song saying "We shall not be shaken" and Paul Baloche released one that said "everything that can be will be shaken".

This made me grin a little.

It also makes me wonder about the things we sing and whether they are true or not, even from an 'our perspective' view. There was a time when people were writing and singing a lot of "we will do this in your name" songs, but they have mostly disappeared now, which I see as a good thing, even if they were declarative.

But in the context of those 2 songs, I've seen a lot of lives shaken over the last 18 months - a lot of church structures too. I can't say that's been a bad thing, but it does make me wonder how much we kid ourselves about what's firm.

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