Of course I happened to have the camera with me: Chris's Sony on the way in and my Samsung (because I'd left it at work) on the way home. Interesting how the pictures are SO different between them (you'd need to see them raw and unprocessed to see what I mean).
So I've got a few pix up. Some are just for reference/information like the car park photos, while some are an attempt at capturing a little of the beauty. Sorry if that aspect is lost to you, my very good Canadian friends, who have to put up with all the worst ravages of winter.
One thing which every 'photographer' knows is that colour temperature changes with clear skies, and there is a need to compensate for natural colours to appear in the images. However the light today was really blue, to the point where every shadow was a different shade from turquoise to almost purple, and even bright highlights had a strong blue tinge. I therefore make no apology for 'colour correcting' the images: what you see is pretty much how my eyes saw it.
Anyway, the fire's alight, Chris has a Tia Maria and here are a couple of tasters.
This is looking down our drive, away from the road.
At the top of Somerton
Way home with Lower Heyford in the distance.
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