I guess a part of the problem is that I can buy something that will kind of 'fly' with a hint of control very cheaply. However when it gets damaged it will be ready for the bin completely, rather than being able to salvage radio, motor etc. And I'd like something that flies better than that too - remember pulling my first loop, and how good it felt to have that much control. So 'much wants more' as we used to say.
This rather appeals.
But this is probably a better match to my rusty flying skills (or lack).
I have a suspicion that, having acquired an aeroplane, I'd take it out, do a few circuits, maybe some bumps, possibly a loop or 2 (depending on the degree of control) and then feel I'd just ticked a box. There's also an essence of 'big boys toys' that makes me wonder why a grown man would play with toy aeroplanes.
BTW the spell checker in Firefox doesn't recognise the word 'aeroplane' and want to substitute 'Hydroplane' instead. What were they on?
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