Monday 4 June 2007

Did you ever have a comment stand out in a blog?

many of us (not myself - i didn't go through youth group but i fear i contributed to this as a youth pastor) were brought up through the faith by youth programs that, in an effort to bring in kids, gave the impression that following Jesus is all about pizza parties and lock ins and slick multimedia presentations. when these kids grow up and are expected to join the larger congregation they feel there is no place for them and that church just doesn't "fit" them anymore.

A comment by Mike on Smulospace.

Regardless of the comparison with the post below, how can we not try to bring our kids and teens up in gritty reality? I thank God I never went through that kind of processed youth group, with all its entertainment and its ways of making time pass without too much fuss. To me, it seems kids need reality, not pizza, although fellowship - real fellowship - is good with them too.

I hate seeing church teens sat along the side, watching. I hate it when they don't participate, but I don't like it if they aren't there either, with no chance to receive good things.

Something I don't understand: God broke in on me when I was 16. I became effectively an adult there and then. I went to adult housegroups, discussed adult theology (very inadequately) encouraged adults, disagreed with adults, prayed with adults. And I was 16 - 17. Why are so many of our 16 - 17 year olds children, doing dumb, childish things? I'm wondering if we don't need slick, funny, entertaining material so much as a good equivalent of an alarm clock in the earhole?

Damn cool. Damn it to hell.

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