Monday, 18 April 2005

Seeking a king?

We have a guest speaker yesterday - Mike Beaumont - from Oxford. I've known mike for a number of years, and he's probably the best bible teacher I've met to date.

Mike had just got back from China, and was seriously jet-lagged. We are going through an overview of the bible at the moment - covering all the key things from the whole bible in 5 weeks. His section was the period from leaving Egypt through to the fall of the kingdoms. The thought which jumped out at me was where he was talking about the end of the time of judges - Israel asked for a king so they could be like all the other nations.

Mike said "of course, the church would never do that" as a throw away comment.

I wonder who 'they' plan to appoint as the next 'king', and if they'll let God have any input?

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