Saturday 15 January 2005

Don't eat them!

I was given some Mattehez 'Fine French Fancy Truffles' as the tin describes them, for Christmas. They look good and taste lovely.

They also contain serious amounts of cocoa, to which Chris is sensitive.

We didn't think.

She had 2.

This morning was not good. Raging migraine, sickness, shivering and just total unwell feelings :( I think she's getting better now, and is sleeping it off in a darkened room. We first noticed this about 2 years ago with 'Green and Black' chocolate, made with 70% cocoa solids, where a single square the night before would produce a moderate migraine the following day. This is logarithmically worse. I don't think we'll be having much chocolate round here in future.

Edit - Chris is much better today. There's a certain wariness, but basically she's alright now.

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