Saturday, 7 September 2013

I love tech - I hate tech, part trois.

The church laptop is now running Pear Linux 7 on my spare Western 320Gb HDD. Best of all, songpro (the presentation software for words) installed with only modest fiddling & runs fine (crisper than before if anything) under WINE simulating W7. The data from the old HDD is being migrated across as  type at the stunning transfer rate of 1Mb/sec. That's a 5 hour transfer for 18Gb then.

Out of slight laziness I popped the western drive straight in, booted up and then updated the OS. It's a little naughty because the drive is encrypted, and the machine will only read the drive if you enter the password first. Also it means that the drive can only be read after booting - it cannot be removed and data recovered (like I'm reading the original Windows disc) so if it falls over then that's the end if it isn't backed up.

It might discourage oiks from borrowing the machine though.

Running Pear on this machine gives me an interesting change to compare the interface with W7 that was still in use Thursday. I'd say pear offers a much less mungy, pastel coloured and indistinct interface than W7. It's a little too OSX these days for may taste (not that you could mistake the 2) but it's crisper and clearer to use.


Major fail. When connected to an projector the graphics settings would only allow the laptop monitor to be mirrored or to make the external display the main display - no presentation facility. Then starting Songpro with the projector mirrored caused a blank background (so no control of audio playback).


Welcome back Windows.

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