I quite liked small round lenses for lighter weight (and the Indiana Jones' father look) but Chris really didn't like that style at all. Rimless seemed the best bet in the end, and they are so light as to be almost un-noticeable. As we were offered a second pair 'free' I had some with tinted lenses to use as sun glasses.
The pix:
Make up your own mind (and please excuse the odd chest hair, creeping over the top of my T shirt).
These are strictly distance vision glasses, however they do odd things. Because my eyes are so different when I take them off after long usage then I get blank areas in my vision while the brain re-learns to compensate. Also the ground seems too far away and peripheral vision is lousy, so I stumble when walking.
The plus side is that I CAN read signs etc better than before.
The jury is still out.
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