Thursday 2 March 2006

Dunno really.

Sometimes up and sometimes not up.

I was recently asked about whether we're doing anything around the time of Sarah's death. Apart from not having an answer, it was a question I'm not sure I really wanted to even think about. It's less difficult for me to bury my head in the Thurday night group, building amps etc etc. I'm not sure that I'm really that far over what's happened, but I've developed things far enough to lead a semi-normal life.

This isn't a cry for help or me being depressed (I've worn the Tee-shirt for that in the past, and know the difference). But I frequently don't post all that I think and feel these days. Sometimes it wouldn't be helpful, sometimes it might upset or shock people a bit and sometimes it's no-one else's business. But this is something I can say a little bit about without hopefully causing too many issues.

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