Wednesday, 7 August 2024

What has the night to do with sleep?

 Is a line I recall from Fungus the Bogeyman - an amusing book that might give small children nightmares.

And so I find mayself awake far too much at the moment. After having some kind of 'cold' back in the spring and then considerable tiredness and brain fog for weeks afterwards, my already poor sleep became less good. Eventually going to the doctor for a host of reasons, he suggested trying the 'Sleepio' program, and after logging sleeping patterns for a week it seemed I was averaging 3.5 hours per night. Nuts.

Nearly 4 weeks in, I'm not at all convinced it's helping, but lets stick with the course. Hence I'm writing a blogpost before 5am when it would feel better to be laying in bed awake - at least in some ways - having last woken around 3.30am.