I know the warning signs: manic time putting data together for a report, getting home later than usual & then an evening full of activities which require significant concentration and attention detail, feeling fired up when I should have been lethargic.
And so to bed: body feels uncomfy and in my case fingertips are slightly itchy and very rough on the bed sheets. And the mind simply won't close down. Flight details, data from the report, gifts for someone at work, gifts for a birthday, ache in the hips, skin feeling cold, what arrangements for getting the car in for new tyres tomorrow, a need to sort out insurance, should I upgrade the camera and which one to get. The list goes on and on.
Here I am at work, unable to concentrate, head running one day ahead and wanting to get on with tomorrow when today has troubles that are neither of interest nor easy to fix.
Happy Friday. ;-)
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