It wasn't as completely simple as most linux distros - in other words I actually needed to read and understand a few simple instructions about partitioning the hard disc and then later about installing Nvidia proprietary graphics drivers. But it wasn't hard at all, really.
I can't get sound (yet) because (I think) it's recognised the chipset audio even though it's disabled in the Bios, as well as the audio card separately, and unfamiliarity has prevented me from finding where to disable that facility. And it isn't printing yet because it needs HPLIP installing.
Apart from that it looks great, and the Nvidia drivers really crisp up the display so that even small icons are sharp and clear and screen effects smooth and snappy. I'm not tempted to move away from Sabayon (yet) because I'm now comfy with that environment and the image processing tools I've assembled work well for me, even though it's slow by comparison. But as a workspace for audio, when I can get the sound sorted, it'll be great.