Sunday, 18 July 2010

(not) Lucky me

I may have shingles. :P

Since returning from holiday I've had slightly dizzy spells, that I'd put down to being on a boat, and felt very much like that. Friday evening I developed back ache on one side around the position of the kidneys, enough to keep me awake until I took paracetamol and asprin, and it has intensified over the last couple of days. A rash in the area of the pain began developing on Friday and has spread over a wider area as of this morning. It's not severe, so much as uncomfortable, and life will continue hopefully more or less unaffected.

A long time ago I had a week of similar dizziness, which the doctor diagnosed a resulting from shingles at the time. Looks like a visit to the surgery is due Monday. At least it's not infectious like primary chickenpox.

It's 3am.

The novelty has worn off, along with the analgesics.

Someone is taking delight in poking my right side under the surface into the muscle. It's not 'agony' but it's also darn uncomfy - enough to make me gasp occasionally - and there's no way I can sleep like this although I hope the codeine will kick in soon and it'll settle down. Even typing is difficult, because as I move even small amounts I get a fresh poke/pain. Unfortunately staying still isn't an option either, since it's still necessary to breathe.

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