Friday, 16 July 2010

Evolution or corruption

There's a line of thinking, brought to the fore by a letter in yesterday's Times, has been running round my head for some time.

The letter was from an Anglican priest, in reply to someone commenting that ordination of women bishops was unbiblical. He pointed out that the offices of both priests and bishops were unbiblical, and that they had been evolved to meet a need caused by change in the church (I think that's a fair summary). On that basis, incorporating other changes was entirely legitimate, including women into leadership.

It's an interesting and in some ways attractive line of thought, and one that I've brought up occasionally here before regarding writings by Ray S. Anderson and the adjustment of scripture to fit new theological understanding (in his case, for the emerging church). There's a side of me that also thinks this is just the kind of issue that Paul was continually dealing with through his letters that now comprise a significant part of the new testament. I'm particularly reminded of his comments to the Ephesians in Acts, about savage wolves coming into the church there, and even some of the guys he was meeting with going astray too.

Fortunately God keeps calling people up and forwards in the traditional evolved churches so that instead of them being purely monuments to human administrative ingenuity, instead we can sometimes find life through the Spirit. Or so it seems to me.

It's natural to focus on the side of pointing out what is wrong, rather than approving what is right. It is much easier for me to be negative and corrective instead of positive and delighting in the good things. This doesn't come at all naturally, and is requiring constant work, particularly when brought face to face with things that do not have the scent of life to them. If only we could control and change our thinking, as easily as flicking a light switch.

I just wish learning was enjoyable.

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