Monday 26 April 2010

'If you want to walk on water.....

.....then you've got to get out of the boat' is the title of a fairly well known book by John Ortberg. I saw it in the bookshop on Friday, and after Marc's recommendation a couple of years back, decided to try it.

Chapter 1 was odd, because he uses negative phrases with positive meaning, most particularly the expression "do something religious". It's weird, because eventually I understood the meaning he was putting in (though I had to get to the end of the chapter to do so) but it jars. Religious people don't do life by the spirit - they live by the law - that's why they follow religion.

Maybe it's just language?

The word Religion has always, for as long as I can remember and certainly well before teen years, implied people in rows - forced into straight lines. I wonder where that came from?

As for chapter 1, well, no particular surprises there, in with the funny anecdote. For those who know the book, when the other woman in the balloon shouts to him "you're a pastor, do something religious" I expected him to offer a christening, or maybe a harvest festival service. I suppose he needed this chapter to establish that 'getting out of the boat' is a valid idea.

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