Friday, 3 April 2009

Something I never knew

All this time I had a cool html editor on this mac and I never knew it.


Opera will open the page source and allow you to edit text directly, then save it again. If I had only known this I could have done most of the website on the macbook instead of the PC.

All I'd have needed the PC for then would be creation of the 'contact' image files. I know there's a print screen command somewhere in the Mac OS, but I can't remember the key combination. Something funny that I read on this topic in one of the 'migrate to Mac from PC' magazines was where the writer rubbished the single key PrtScn command (who knows what it's for? he said) only to then give the required key presses later in the article.

Oh, and I'd have needed an image editor capable of cropping and resizing.

Dan - I looked at the packages you mentioned - I'm reluctant to pay 50 euros or 100 dollars for stuff I can use free on the PC.

Fern - you're right. The Mac doesn't make me happy, and the more I dig the more annoyed the OS makes me. There are probably workarounds for all the limitations, but if so, they're obscure and hidden from me. As a laptop for limited business use it's great, but I don't want to pay substantially for occasional use software, and shareware is as expensive as full-priced app for XP it seems. I'll keep it because it IS a great piece of hardware, but I really must look into dual-booting or VM. I guess this is good, because it's helped me get past the 'I wonder if a Mac is better' thing. No amount of clever animations are an acceptable substitute for built-in control.

I never thought I'd become a Microsoft fan, but I think the tread the right place between linux excess choices and apple's limited options. If only stupid clever people wouldn't try to hack that OS.

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