Well, actually we discussed how much time I spend communicating with other people though the internet compared to talking to her.
She has a point.
At the moment I don't know what the answer is. I could spend less time on the net (it would take an effort of will) and there were certainly some priority issues that she brought up that need addressing. Another part of the peeve is that she'll find out things about me that she wouldn't necessarily have otherwise known. However blogging is also a good outlet, and lets me communicate in a way that is much easier than talking.
It's also provided a stimulus for thinking that a conventional church setting doesn't satisfy - the need for deeper discussion about theology. By observation, a majority of people in churches tend not to be up to handling theology in depth. I don't believe it's because they're stupid; just 'ordinary'. For them, such discussions aren't interesting and they'd be out of their depth arguing the kind of stuff that seems common on EC blogs. Through blogging I can enjoy a bit more 'cut and thrust' and occasionally get worked up a little too.
It was also funny. Later at family group, someone asked Chris if she'd told me something. You might be able to guess the answer.....
I guess part of the answer is we both need to talk more about the important things. In my case, I need to talk more generally. I tend to view it as my duty to listen to whatever Chris has to say, working on the assumption that she needs to talk about things. As a result of that, I tend to listen, rather than talk. It's dangerous to fall into stereotypes, especially when they are cultural.
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