Monday 10 November 2014

D'you ever have a problem with your sense of self-worth?

It's not been a big problem for me for a long time, professionally speaking, but I've just come face to face with it, and found myself struggling. I've just put together an invoice for a customer who used me quite a bit in October (that's great) and it came to enough money to make me ask whether a) it could really be that much and b) whether I was worth it?

These are not the right questions to be asking when you are the sole employee of a tiny business.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:30 am

    Funny that I should read this today when I have just read the chapter on a husbands mind battles in the book 'The Power of a Praying Wife'.
    It IS a battle you know, & you also know where those negative thoughts are coming from. Yes, you are worth it. And what's more you are a wonderful man of God who may not always get it right but who always seeks to do so, & God will honour that. You are a wonderful husband, father & provider & I am proud of you.
    I firmly believe that God has good things for you to do & that by his power & grace you have the ability to do them & to do them well & to His glory.
    And please don't delete me because I am 'anonymous' I just couldn't work out how else to place a comment! :)


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